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I'm New to Oils - Now What?
First - WELCOME! 

Here's your next steps:

* Watch short video on Youtube or share the link to send to friends that are not on FB.

* Print "I Have My Oils - Now What?” from the files tab in our Facebook group ( or download it here:

* Get our E-BOOK in the files tab! (access or send to a friend outside of FB:
Other than oils - what else do I need to get started?

>> PRODUCT GUIDE AKA CATALOG - — If you didn't add it to your initial order - add it to your next LRP! 

>> Also the Cap-Stickers - you'll need the Single AND Blend Sticker sheets.

Other items
  1.  Essential Oil Use books -  or search on Amazon
  2. Explore the 90-day Free Trial of the   - easy access to multiple book resources on your phone or computer.
  3. Fractionated Coconut Oil ("FCO") if it didn't come in your kit. This is a Must-Have! (If you need it ASAP - "Coconut MCT" oil is consumable and can usually be found in grocery stores with the cooking oils.)
  4. 10 ml rollers - I prefer doTERRA's amber roller bottles - look in the DIY Accessories section on They are less than $6 for a pack of 6.
  5. Optional: order 2 oz glass spray bottles - several resources in the eBOOK -> pg 26. (This is a cool package deal: )
Optional:  order a diffuser if one didn’t come in your starter kit - doTERRA makes 4 models  —> I use the Roam in the bedroom for overnight use and the Laluz in the Kitchen & my home office. 

They are not from Doterra and not safe -->

What's up with Carrier Oils?
ADULTS- 20 drops of each essential oil in a 10ml rollerball topped off with MCT/FCO (Fractionated coconut oil). Recommended up to 50% Essential Oils in 10ml roller at maximum. It's ok to start with less and add more later if necessary.
See pages 11-13 of The Essential Life Book for more information on diluting.
CHILDREN & BABIES - use the same # of drops as their age. So a baby roller would be 1-5 drops of each essential oil and top off with FCO. A 5 year old would use 5-10 drops of each essential oil and top off with FCO. My kiddos have used adult recipes since they were about 10 years old, safely -  20 drops each essential oil - start small and use your instincts.
(see recipe pages in "I Have My Oils - Now What?” filie.

See Unit 2 on how to make a roller bottle or a spray recipe, how to fill a veggie capsule and how to use/care for your diffuser.

NOTE: PHOTOSENSITIVE OILS: Please review for safety and do not apply before going out into the sun. You must wait 12-24 hours before exposing skin to sun after using these oils.